Sustainability News

Our latest news articles and updates on our commitment to reducing our emissions as part of our journey to Net Zero.

Helping You Prepare for the New BS ISO 14068 Standard

Net zero is on everyone’s agenda but achieving tangible goals has been somewhat challenging. Whilst there are various options available to tackle specific areas of sustainability, few outline a complete pathway to support businesses as they reduce their carbon footprints. That could be all set to change though, with a new international standard, BS ISO 14068.
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Crown Oil Sustainability Updates 2023

Discover the latest changes that we've made to our operations to improve the sustainability of our business and help us keep on track to reach our net zero direct emissions (scope 1 & 2) target by 2030.
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Understanding Scope 1, 2 and 3 Emissions

Companies must seek to reduce their carbon footprint to help combat climate change, and this begins with measuring and reporting on their greenhouse gas emissions. Gaining an understanding of your present carbon footprint is key to setting ambitious reduction targets, as well as designing and delivering effective climate solutions.
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5 Steps We’ve Taken Towards Our Sustainability Goals

Due to our first-hand relationship with our customers, we understand how deeply dependent society is today on oil-based products for daily life. However, we know that this isn’t an excuse for inaction and instead a growing opportunity to make positive change in every way we can.
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Crown Oil Launches Staff Volunteering Days

As part of our ongoing commitment to becoming a sustainable business, we’re investigating new ways to be a force for positive change and are amplifying our efforts to give back to our local community. As a result, we’re thrilled to now offer staff volunteering days during working hours.
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Carbon neutral vs net zero

As the climate crisis intensifies, new buzzwords are being introduced. Two terms in particular - carbon neutral and net zero carbon - are often used interchangeably but in reality, embody two very different approaches to tackling the climate crisis.
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