Achieving Net Zero Emissions

How are we going to become a Net Zero company?

Climate change is a serious issue that’s affecting each and every one of us. We acknowledge that our operations influence the local, regional and global environment, which is why we’ve set a target to have Net Zero direct emissions by 2030. This supports the ambitious goal of limiting the rise in the average global temperature to 1.5oC as set out in the UN Paris Agreement.

As a family run and owned business, we may not always have the ability to influence all parts of our supply chain; however, this doesn’t prevent us from reducing the impact of our sites, vehicles and how we operate. Our carbon reduction strategy ensures we can meet our future scope 1 & 2 ambitions without the need for large scale offsetting.

While we continue on this path, Crown Oil is actively investigating a range of environmental commitments and pledges relevant to our business, such as the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), which is currently developing a methodology specifically for the oil & gas sector.

Our first big milestone in this journey is becoming a ‘Carbon Neutral’ organisation in line with the globally recognised specification PAS 2060 with our GHG’s verified to ISO 14064. All our emissions are externally verified by a third party company.

Reaching net zero is one of the biggest challenges we’ll face

But that’s not stopping us. Net zero requires every single one of us to do our bit; to think and to act differently and to make better, more informed choices. As an organisation, we will inform, engage and empower our staff to be champion sustainability and to support everyone we work with to play their bit in reducing their emissions.

Involving staff in our goals and mission is key to ensure everyone’s onboard. To embed sustainability company-wide, we’ve completed a full change program; we’ve delivered 800+ hours of staff training, led by our MD, and formed a sustainability team made up of passionate senior managers and volunteers from across the group. All team members are undergoing sustainability training and are given time out of their roles to seek ways to improve efficiency and processes while continually reducing our environmental impact.

Pioneering change

Instead of waiting for mandatory environmental changes to come to us, we’re getting ahead of the curve and investing in sustainability.

We’ve partnered with an external consultancy to validate our reporting, understand our environmental impact and measure our performance annually. This has allowed us to consider every angle of our internal and external processes to become truly sustainable and reduce our environmental impact, including reducing our emissions through a target-driven plan and providing qualifying explanatory statements with full public disclosure.

As a family run company, we may not always have the ability to influence all parts of our supply chain; however, this doesn’t prevent us from reducing the impact of our sites, vehicles and how we operate. Our carbon reduction strategy ensures we can meet our future scope 1 & 2 ambitions without the need for large scale offsetting.

We’ve also implemented a robust and transparent Carbon Reduction and Reporting Strategy which is aligned to international standards (PAS 2060, GHG protocol). 

Plus, we’re receiving continued support from an external company to assist with identifying reduction opportunities, interim reporting and tracking, while continuing to develop relationships with stakeholders to identify environmental improvements, particularly in areas regarding purchased goods and services (Scope 3 emissions). 

Our net zero journey so far

  • 2007

    – Began voluntarily offsetting delivery emissions

  • 2018

    Invested in HVO

  • 2020

    – Baseline emissions recorded
    – Carbon reduction strategy developed

  • 2021

    – Switched fleet to HVO
    – Won UKIFDA Green Award
    – Began office efficiency upgrades

  • 2022

    – Certified carbon neutral
    – Began company initiatives
    – Launched sustainability site
    – Offered offsetting on all fuels

  • 2023

    – All owned offices on renewable tariffs
    – Upgraded insulation & heating
    – Installed EV chargers for staff use
    – Installed solar panels on all buildings
    – GHG verified to ISO 14064-1

  • 2025

    – Solar car ports at head office
    – Battery storage at head offices

  • 2028

    – Fuel pumps will all be upgraded
    – All small vehicles will be electric

  • 2030

    Net Zero

PAS 2060 ‘Carbon Neutral’ commitment and baseline year offset – 2022

  • We’ve embarked on a journey to fully understand our present environmental impact with a detailed and transparent carbon footprint study. This covers all aspects of our operations (Scopes 1, 2 and 3), as well as identifying and delivering carbon reduction projects, and compensating for residual emissions with the use of offsets, while being aware of the challenges and improvements needed with this approach
  • This effort is a work in progress, with the understanding and reduction of our environmental impact being integrated into daily business operations from our owners through to our employees
  • We have a dedicated Sustainability Project Team to help drive the business forward by working directly on ensuring Crown Oil meets our targets
  • We have invested in a new site to cater for our rapidly expanding sustainable fuels operation
  • Our office buildings will be powered by renewable energy by 2024, supplemented by the installation of solar panels
  • Our small vehicles will be upgraded to electric by 2029

Fuelling change with HVO

In 2020 we became the first UK fuel supplier to import Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) into the UK market as we felt we have a duty to provide more renewable and sustainable fuel alternatives to our customers. Since then, we’ve not only become the UK’s largest alternative fuel supplier but also the first UK fuel supplier to be certified carbon neutral.

We aim to drive positive change throughout the fuel supply process, from the sustainable sourcing of our products’ key raw materials to reducing our operational impact and cutting our customers’ carbon footprint.

As well as improving our own environmental impact, we’re continuing to drive innovation and are working with a range of sectors to reduce emissions by providing the clean-burning fuels our customers need.

Our commitments

Maintain carbon neutral status in line with PAS 2060 – We will continue to reduce our emissions, run our fleet on Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO fuel) and offset any unavoidable emissions to maintain our carbon neutral status

Publicly share methodology and approach – Continually update our website with details on how we’re reducing our environmental impact to ensure full public disclosure and transparency

Achieve net zero direct emissions by 2030 – Our aim is to achieve Net Zero Scope 1 and 2 emissions. With our detailed strategy in place, we are committed to ensuring we’re on track.

What’s next for Crown Oil?

Operating as a safe and sustainable business is the foundation of our growth strategy and is integral in the future success of our company. As such, we are continually looking at new ways to support our customers in their ESG and CSR targets.

Group targets

80% Scope 1 and 2 reductions by 2025 (against 2020 baseline)

90% Scope 1 and 2 reductions by 2028

2030 Net Zero Scope 1 and 2 emissions

These 3 target areas will be reviewed by directors and stakeholders to ensure necessary commitment, resources and funding are in place prior to any public statements or communications.

Our History

We’ve been in business since 1947 and during this time, we’ve built up a wealth of knowledge within the industry.
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Our Company

Crown Oil is the first UK fuel supply company to be certified carbon neutral and is on a mission to have net zero direct emissions.
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Our People

Our people are our greatest asset and are what is the driving force behind our company’s success. Discover the brains behind the business.
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In 2020, the oil companies within the Crown Group became the first UK fuel suppliers to run our entire delivery fleet on HVO