Crown Oil Cuts Scope 1 & 2 Emissions by 87.5%

Crown Oil has been pioneering change for many years, starting back in 2007 when we began offsetting the delivery mileage of our fleet at no extra cost to our customers. Since 2020, our sustainability efforts have grown two-fold, and we’ve demonstrated how our part in the fuel supply chain can operate sustainably whilst still delivering the energy the country needs.

Whilst the fuel distribution sector has fallen behind in setting net zero targets and driving sustainability forward, we’ve been challenging the status quo. Instead of waiting for mandatory changes to come to us, we’re putting our money where our mouth is and have set an ambitious but achievable target to reach net zero scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2030.

One of the most notable steps in our journey so far is being certified carbon neutral in line with PAS 2060 in April 2022 & ISO 14064-1 standards in June 2023. With yet another successful ISO verification in 2024, we’re on track with our net zero direct emissions target.

A ‘carbon neutral’ fuel company?

We know there can be a lot of scepticism surrounding sustainability, particularly within the oil industry, which is why we’re fully transparent with all our claims and methodologies. We’ve dotted our i’s and crossed our t’s and we’re extremely proud of this industry-first achievement. Where emissions have been excluded, we have provided explanations within our carbon report to greater enhance our transparency.

To help verify our claims, we partnered with Tunley Environmental, an external consultancy that are renowned globally for supporting businesses with their sustainability transformations through education and assessment. With the completion of a Business Carbon Assessment, we were then able to put a Carbon Reduction Strategy in place, allowing us to identify areas of improvement, followed by the implementation of measures to reduce our emissions in line with our 2030 goal.

We are now a valued member of Tunley’s sustainability showcase to further demonstrate our commitments.

Since our 2020 baseline, we’ve reduced our total emissions by 2,724 tCO2e and our scope 1 and 2 emissions by 87.5%

How have we done it?

We’ve adopted a dual-phase action plan to deliver measurable milestones to ensure we’re on track with our goal. The first element is to reduce our own emissions using alternative fuels, renewable energy sources, sustainable business practices and waste reduction initiatives. The second is to assist our downstream customers with reducing their own emissions through the provision of renewable products, fuel conservation services and knowledge sharing.

We’ve reduced 89% of transport emissions since switching to HVO in June 2021

We achieved carbon neutral status in 2022

We’ve reduced our scope 1 & 2 emissions by 87.5%

We’ve reduced 50% of company waste going to landfill

550 solar panels installed, saving up to 30,000kg of CO2

6 EV charging points installed at our Bury HQ

All our small vehicles will be electrified by 2029

Our use of renewable electricity has gone from 0-100%

We’re aiming to achieve net zero direct emissions by 2030

More initiatives in place

  • Reduced our scope 1 transport emissions by 89% from switching our entire delivery fleet to renewable diesel (HVO) – the first fuel distributor to do so
  • Educate and encourage customers to switch from fossil fuels to HVO
  • Installed 550 solar panels on our buildings – these are providing approximately 35% of our overall energy consumption
  • Our use of renewable electricity has gone from 0% in 2020 to 100% at all owned properties.
  • Installed energy efficient equipment throughout our offices, including new servers and smart devices
  • Energy efficiency improvements have reduced electricity consumption by 300,000 kWh across our sites
  • Reduced paper consumption and where unavoidable we use recycled paper
  • Formed a sustainability team that’s dedicated to keeping momentum within the business
  • Reduced 50% of company waste going to landfill through changes to our waste policy and initiatives to use more recyclable packaging
  • Transitioning all our small fleet and vans to electric by 2029
  • Offsetting our staff commutes with accurate data collected through a staff mileage survey  
  • Installed electric vehicle chargers at our headquarters to encourage adoption
  • Offsetting those emissions that we can’t avoid or reduce using verified carbon credits

(All figures calculated from our 2020 baseline)

If your business is looking to improve its environmental responsibility but you don’t know where to begin, our sustainability team can help. Get in touch today and call us on 0333 200 5005 to make the first steps in fuelling positive change.